Rules & Regulations


1. The value of respects shall the paramount objective of this clan.
2. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Each member is requested to refrain from using foul language & biting words that may cause misunderstanding among members.
3. Members who are into relationship shall remain faithful to their respective partner. Anyone caught & found guilty violating this particular rule shall be automatically kicked out from the clan.
4. Every member is required to send at least 3 group message a day.
5. As a member of this clan, you required to participate in all clan of our clan activity. Members who fail to attend to 2 consecutives geb’s/event will be automatically terminated
6. Members who send group message without proper tagging or use of another clan’s tag will be automatically terminated.
7. Posting the event of other clan is strictly prohibited. You must consult it first to our officers &founder. Failed not to follow this rules will be given sanction.
8. Members who quitting the clan will be no longer part of the SKC anymore. Forced eviction & termination of the members will still get a chance to return in due time depending on the probationary period that will be bestowed upon them.
9. Group or sub-group is strictly prohibited in this clan. We don’t like SKC Family to be divided in groups. Failure to comply with this rule will result to 1-2 weeks of suspension.
10. Members who found guilty that he is an officer of another clan will be automatically terminated.